Right this way!

Gametime strategies for midlife Harmony


In Midlife,
the playing field
has changed…

Your days of “grinning and bearing” the chronic fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, embarrassing digestive issues, persistent pain, unexplained weight gain, sleep-skin-mood issues… are about to end.

If you could feel like yourself again, put the power back in YOUR hands, and WIN in midlife… would you take the chance?

Call your own Plays >

You need support & answers.

» Constantly feeling like you are dragging. Sex drive has left the room. Your clothes don’t fit. Tossing and turning all night. 

» Skin breakouts in your 40’s? You’ve got to be kidding. 

» Mood swings, pain, tummy troubles galore. Chronic fatigue… 

» Your kids are noticing changes in you. You're forgetting what you’re saying in the middle of a sentence. You’re having tearful conversations with your husband because you feel like you’re going crazy. 

» You’re acting so erratic even the dog is giving you the “side-eye.”

» And you’re left desperate for answers and wondering…

Tired Of Feeling 
                 in Your Own Body?


Tired Of Feeling 
in Your Own Body?

Is this Menopause?


In a recent survey, only 7% of doctors felt equipped to answer menopause questions from their patients. 

8 years of medical school… and it’s like they left the MOST important time of a woman’s life out of the textbooks. 

How is the SAME OB/GYN who is busy delivering babies going to have the time and energy to care for 100s of women at EVERY stage of their life? From having babies to perimenopause to menopause… 

It’s just NOT possible– not at the level of attention and support that our body really needs. 

And that’s why this isn’t just a course or a coaching program - it’s a revolution for ALL women who want and deserve real answers.

Because here you are… searching endlessly for answers and trying ALL the things.

You finally head to the doctor & pray for answers. But somehow, you leave feeling more defeated than when you first arrived. 

Where do you turn?

Midlife did a major bait-and-switch! In fact, NOTHING prepared you for this…

“Why can’t my doctor help me?”

You’re already suffering …

You've got symptoms,

Is it your hormones, your thyroid, your metabolism? Maybe your gut? You don’t know! All you know is that something (or a lot of things) are OFF and you need help getting to the bottom of it! 

The reality is that your hormones do not function independently. They are part of an intricately made, beautifully designed body made up of crucial systems.  

The Hormone Huddle is uniquely designed to give you a body system blueprint! All of these systems work together for Hormone Harmony.
These systems include gut health, detoxification, adrenal function, metabolic health and thyroid function.

You may not be familiar with the function of these systems, but you are definitely familiar with the DYSFUNCTION of these symptoms because you are overwhelmed with symptoms!

Chin hair yet losing head hair, breakouts, mood swings, feeling insecure, brain fog, hot flashes

Ever expanding waistline, blood sugar rollercoaster, intense sweet cravings, energy crashes, headaches

Anxiety, depression, no energy, skipping social events unlike your usual self

Feeling wired but tired, you have no capacity to cope with what life is throwing at you

Embarrassing bathroom issues, your skin is a mess & you feel toxic

you need answers

Adrenals & Stress:

Bloating, gas, stomach aches and pains



Gut Health:



When one system falters, the domino effect happens.

What you are searching for is a specific game plan for midlife so you can shift out of survival mode, get off the sidelines and live your life to the fullest!

This is exactly what we cover inside The Hormone Huddle - Gametime strategies for busy women in midlife who are fed up with the BS approaches and want real answers so they know what to do to feel like themselves again!

With my method, we address the root issues in all these key body systems so you can 

feel better!

I’m Jennifer Pickett, a seasoned Dietitian who, after an extensive 26-year career, realized I still had critical gaps in understanding women’s health after interviewing a renowned expert on my podcast.

I have a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and advanced certifications as a Functional Medicine Health Coach and Certified Midlife Specialist.

Yet in my own midlife, after a uterine ablation and frustrating trial-and-error, I discovered just how surface-level health knowledge was around harmonizing hormones.

Like you, I have tried it all looking for relief.

But I was still struggling, with no answers.

Women’s Health has always been my priority. 

I lost my mother 11 years ago to complications from breast cancer treatment. To this day, it makes little sense.

I now believe it was the body chaos and inflammatory cascade that led to her decline.

My mother was my biggest cheerleader, always encouraging me to keep learning. I still hear her voice cheering, “You go, girl!”

I always wondered… what if she had the education on supporting women’s bodies through transition that I now have?

I found the BEST of the BEST mentors in women’s health and hormones. I’ve spent hundreds of hours dedicating my time to learning everything I wish I knew before. Honestly, the more I learned, the more angry I’ve gotten. Women’s health care has absolutely failed us!

I am on a mission to help as many women as possible become their own detectives, understand their bodies and the root problems driving their symptoms, and return to feeling like themselves again.  

I love working with moms because it brings about lasting change that can shift her family's health status for generations to come. Mama, it starts with you!

I’d love nothing more than to help you with a game plan to reclaim your spark, help the people around you, and turn midlife into the BEST time of your life

I'm on a mission

I understand your struggle

Curious about Hormone Replacement therapy?

Clearly it's a hot topic and there is a lot of controversy!! But you just want some information so you can make an educated decision. Where are you supposed to get that?

You don’t want to make important decisions out of sheer desperation!!

Hormone replacement can be a effective tool but there is a lot of nuance to understand! With so many kinds and dosing out there - pills, pellets, patches, gels, troches and more - you need to be fully educated on all your options and your natural physiology. You need to understand YOUR body systems that support all the hormones. This includes how to be a good body host if you do choose to do HRT.

You need options that work with your unique body. You are NOT a one size fits all. And, yes, we cover ALL of this inside The Hormone Huddle so you are fully equipped & prepared and can advocate for yourself!

Being informed and educated puts the power back in YOUR hands.

You are DONE with the “Eat Less and Move More” advice

And let’s be honest….you’ve been there and done that! It is not working! There are several key barriers that are standing in the way to you losing weight and feeling your best! You need to be able to identify those obstacles and address those systems that have gone awry! 

You need specific, targeted recommendations tailored for a midlife woman provided to you by a highly trained and experienced midlife woman! You are faced with a big decision. More and more coaches and so-called experts are jumping on the "Menopause bandwagon." You want to make sure that you work with someone who is specifically trained in midlife hormones AND who has been through midlife struggles herself!

enrolL now!

Now Accepting Applications
For January Spots

apply here

Menopause misery...how long does this this last?!?

Hormone decline starts earlier than you think! Here’s some facts you need to know…

Estrogen declines by 35% between the ages of 35-50

Progesterone declines by 75% between the ages of 35-50

Menopause can last anywhere from 2-10 years

Menopause is linked to over 100 symptoms (not just a few)

You don’t want to wait until you’re having hot flashes - you may not get those.
The truth is that every woman will go through menopause and it is not just about the awful symptoms. It’s the functional decline leading to disease. 

If there is anytime in life to be proactive, girl it’s     


Book A Discovery Call





Are you ready to go from floundering to flourishing?

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Digestive Discomfort
  • Persistent Pain
  • Mood Swings
  • Skin Troubles
  • Sleep Troubles
  • Weight Fluctuations
  • Low Libido
  • Hot Flashes



Step Inside…

From Feeling Desperate And Defeated To Feeling Capable And Confident!

Revitalize Your Body & Reclaim Your Spark Through the Restoration of Hormone Harmony

enroll Now!

You've been struggling with hormone havoc for some time. There is no doubt that the decline of hormones seen in perimenopause plays a key role. But hormones don't function independently. They are part of a larger body and every system works together!

You are beyond frustrated. I get it. Everything in you wants to scream..."Just fix my hormones!" But let me give you some straight talk. You won't be very effective if you go straight to the top (just like this pyramid represents). Instead, you have to focus on the foundations of gut health, detoxification, adrenal function, metabolism and thyroid. Each one of these crucial body systems contains hormones and receptors and plays into your overall HORMONE HARMONY.  

This is why The Hormone Huddle utilizes a proven strategy with the Body System Blueprint. You are guided through the key body systems and given simple, actionable steps so you can finally take back control of your health.  


Module 1 - Gut Health

Module 3 - Adrenal

Module 4 - Metabolic

Module 5 - Thyroid

Module 6 - Hormone


Module 2 - Detox

A truly unique approach to your hormones, health and happiness using the Body System Blueprint.


Module 1 - Gut Health 

  • Why Start with the Gut?
  • Gut Health 101: The Basics you Need to Know
  • Inside Out : The ABC’s of Gut Health Influencers
  • Dysbiosis Demystified: Navigating the World of Gut Imbalance
  • Understanding Leaky Gut, Inflammation and Weight Gain
  • Mindful Munching - The Art of Mastering Digestion
  • Cracking the Code : Understanding Food Sensitivities
  • Exploring the Estrobolome : Your Gut influences your Hormones
  • Healing from Within: Nurturing Gut Health for Hormone Harmony

Module 2 - Detoxification 

  • Detox : Unlock your Body's Natural Ability to Heal
  • Decode Detox : Unlock Phase 1 and Phase 2 Detox Pathways
  • Flush to Flourish : Elimination
  • Sip Smart, Detox Bright : Let's talk Hydration 
  • Lymphatic Liberation : How the Lymph system helps with Detox
  • Purify your Path : Reducing Toxicity

Module 3 - Adrenal Function

  • The HPA Axis : Your Body's Stress Response System
  • Calm in the Chaos : How to Tame Stress & Avoid Burnout
  • Sleepyhead to Sleep Pro : The Secrets to Turbocharged Zzzzz's
  • How to Heal : Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue

Module 4 - Metabolic Health

  • Metabolic Magic - Secrets to Weight Control and Vibrant Health
  • Mastering the Metabolic Symphony - Blood Sugar Secrets
  • Nutrition Essentials - Fueling your Metabolic Fuel
  • Midlife Fitness - It's Time for a Specific Strategy
  • Inflammation - The Hidden Culprit behind your Weight Gain & Disease

Module 5 - Thyroid Function

  • Thyroid 101 - Understanding the Basics and Recognizing Red Flags
  • Thyroid Disruption - Unveiling Thyroid Influencers
  • Thyroid Nourishment : Nutrition Strategies for Optimal Thyroid Health
  • Toxic Ties - How Toxins Impact Thyroid Health

Module 6 - Hormone Health

  • Cycle Wisdom : The Secrets of your Menstrual Cycle & the Infradian Rhythm
  • Hormones 101 - The Basics you Need to Know
  • Hormone Decline & the Misery of Menopause
  • Hormone Harmony : Body Benefits & Disease Prevention
  • Hormone Testing : You are Not a One Size Fits All
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy : Know your Options
  • Dosing and other Considerations for HRT
  • Let’s Talk Controversy & Hormone Replacement
  • Hormone Health - Move Forward with Confidence in Midlife

Bonus - Body, Mind, and Soul 

  • Cement healthy habits with lifestyle upgrades supporting body, mind, and soul so you relish midlife instead of just enduring it!


Private Community

Maybe you’ve been walking alone with no one beside you, but that’s about to change.

Navigating the ups and downs of midlife transition on your own is THE WORST. Finding balance should never be a one-size-fits-all or a solo ride. That's why I'm including FREE access to our private Hormone Huddle Community for 6 solid months!

It's a SAFE space for celebrating wins together, getting real about the struggles, and supporting each other so you stay consistent long after the program. Sisterhood is powerful!


2x Monthly Group Sessions

Get Expert Live Coaching with TWO Functional Professionals Who Are Midlife Certified Specialists

Want a direct line to ASK US ANYTHING? You'll get access to not one but TWO monthly group coaching calls for 6 solid months after enrolling!

Coaching sessions are normally valued at $297 PER HOUR for high-level health consulting - included FREE to take your transformation even deeper! 
We make sure nobody gets left behind or lost in these sessions.

Together, we will help you reclaim your joy, health, and inner radiance!

- Harmony W

"I was having major blood sugar swings, horrible PMS, gut issues, weight gain, and just felt like I had reached a dead end. Since then, she has helped me find the missing pieces I was needing to take my health journey to the next level. I no longer have the glucose dumps, my PMS has improved, and I actually have energy now. I feel like I am finally getting control of my health, mind, and body."

- April R

"I was having so many digestive issues as well as hormonal problems and was at the end of my rope... I reached out to Jennifer and did a Wellness Warrior Power Hour and immediately felt like she listened. I went through a Gut protocol and started my healing journey.  It was not always easy but she was with me every step of the way and I knew that. Finally someone to walk this road with me! "

- Jolene O

"Jennifer Pickett and her Whole-istic approach to health and wellness have helped me more than I believed it could.  I have been a dieter for 30 years ...you name it, I have tried it.  I had done my research and "knew" what to eat and I love to cook.  I was in boot camps and exercise classes 5 times a week sometimes twice a day.  I started to meet with Jennifer weekly, I started to realize some obstacles that were standing in my way that I didn't even realize were in my way. "

- Amber B

"Jennifer is AMAZING! I set out on a journey to get my insides working correctly before I started working on my outside, and she got things flowing properly. Her encouragement fueled my motivation, and I feel so much better than I did when I first started out. I would recommend her to anyone interested in getting healthy on the inside 10 times out of 10! "

- Lynn W

"I reached out to Jennifer Pickett after many months of struggling with my overall wellness and life outlook.  Jennifer was able to help me narrow in on the cause for my issues and “My Why” for making changes.  We came up with strategies to help get me back on track on all fronts – mind, body, and spirit. Jennifer’s level of knowledge was evident with each session. We made a plan of action... Small steps that did not overwhelm but over the weeks led to major changes in my attitude and overall health."

- Christy A.

"I began using Jennifer Pickett as a health coach when I was struggling with sleep issues.  Not only did she give me practical advice that helped me get a better snooze, she opened my eyes to several areas that I needed to address to have better overall health.  Her counsel and encouragement have helped me better manage stress, improve my gut health, and remove many toxins from my diet and personal care products. Her advice has overflowed to better choices for my family as well."

- Vanessa D.

"Jennifer and I have been working together for the last 6 months, and I can honestly say I have never felt better in my adult life!  She has a way of encouraging me in areas I struggle and has given me new ways to conquer things like sugar addiction,  finding time to exercise/move, and creating just the right way to help my body turn off and sleep well.  It is not just about physical health and weight loss anymore.  It's about my mental health, my emotional health, and most importantly, my spiritual health and relationship with Christ."

What past clients have to say

Specialized Support. Targeted, functional medicine strategies & solutions that will impact both your health and your families' health. 

Program content like this purchased individually in addition to group coaching could run anywhere between $6,000 - $10,000. You deserve real answers without spending an outrageous sum of money.

That's why lifetime access to the Hormone Huddle is just $2,497      
for a very limited time. 



Discount received for payment in Full

All In - Hormone Huddle Course, Group Coaching, Hormone Testing, Personalized Protocol and One on One Coaching Package - Pay in Full

Enroll Now
  • Module 1 - Gut Health
  • Module 2 - Detoxification
  • Module 3 - Adrenal Function
  • Module 4 - Metabolic Health
  • Module 5 - Thyroid Function
  • Module 6 - Hormone Health

This means you get the complete transformational experience for the lowest price ever - when you               

Sign Up Today!

  • Twice a month group coaching sessions led by Certified Midlife Specialists
  • Group coaching included for 6 months
  • Hormone Testing with the DUTCH test (Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones)
  • Gut Health Testing with the GI Map test (stool test)
  • Customized bloodwork panel
  • 3 one on one coaching visits including…
  • Initial Coaching Visit with full Health Assessment
  • Coaching Visit with Analysis of Bloodwork, DUTCH test and GI Map results. This visit includes personalized protocol and recommendations
  • Follow up Coaching visit with personalized evaluation

  • Lifetime access to The Hormone Huddle - Game time Strategies for Midlife Harmony
  • Self paced video course 
  • Body system blueprint laid out in 6 Modules. Each module contains multiple lessons, action strategies & additional resources.

  • Module 1 - Gut Health
  • Module 2 - Detoxification
  • Module 3 - Adrenal Function
  • Module 4 - Metabolic Health
  • Module 5 - Thyroid Function
  • Module 6 - Hormone Health

3 Payments of $575

Hormone Huddle Course & Group Coaching Program - Payment Plan

  • Lifetime access to The Hormone Huddle - Game time Strategies for Midlife Harmony
  • Self paced video course 
  • Body system blueprint laid out in 6 Modules. Each module contains multiple lessons, action strategies & additional resources

  • Twice a month group coaching sessions led by Certified Midlife Specialists
  • Group coaching included for 6 months
  • *Option to add in testing and one on one coaching at a later date

Discount received for payment in Full 

Hormone Huddle Course & Group Coaching Program - Pay in Full

Enroll Now
Enroll Now
  • Module 1 - Gut Health
  • Module 2 - Detoxification
  • Module 3 - Adrenal Function
  • Module 4 - Metabolic Health
  • Module 5 - Thyroid Function
  • Module 6 - Hormone Health
  • Twice a month group coaching sessions led by Certified Midlife Specialists
  • Group coaching included for 6 months
  • *Option to add in testing and one on one coaching at a later date
  • Lifetime access to The Hormone Huddle - Game time Strategies for Midlife Harmony
  • Self paced video course 
  • Body system blueprint laid out in 6 Modules. Each module contains multiple lessons, action strategies & additional resources.

3 payments of $1200

All In - Hormone Huddle Course, Group Coaching, Hormone Testing, Personalized Protocol and One on One Coaching Package - Payment Plan

Enroll Now
  • Module 1 - Gut Health
  • Module 2 - Detoxification
  • Module 3 - Adrenal Function
  • Module 4 - Metabolic Health
  • Module 5 - Thyroid Function
  • Module 6 - Hormone Health
  • Twice a month group coaching sessions led by Certified Midlife Specialists
  • Group coaching included for 6 months
  • Hormone Testing with the DUTCH test (Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones)
  • Gut Health Testing with the GI Map test (stool test)
  • Customized bloodwork panel
  • 3 one on one coaching visits including…
  • Initial Coaching Visit with full Health Assessment
  • Coaching Visit with Analysis of Bloodwork, DUTCH test and GI Map results. This visit includes personalized protocol and recommendations
  • Follow up Coaching visit with personalized evaluation

  • Lifetime access to The Hormone Huddle - Game time Strategies for Midlife Harmony
  • Self paced video course 
  • Body system blueprint laid out in 6 Modules. Each module contains multiple lessons, action strategies & additional resources.

*Discount has been applied to The Hormone Huddle course

*Discount has been applied to The Hormone Huddle course

Client Feedback

One size certainly does not fit all when it comes to Jennifer and the work she does with and for her clients. Jennifer curated a plan that was perfectly fit for me by asking the tough questions, but by doing so in the most gentle and encouraging way. She is a master of her craft - The kindest soul with the knowledge and expertise to guide you through any challenge you are facing whether it be mind, body or soul.


what it's like to work with Jennifer

Jennifer not only has so much knowledge when it comes to health & nutrition, but she truly empowers you to be your own best health advocate. She listens, empathizes, and helps you create a plan that truly leads you to success, NOT burn out. Immediately upon talking to her you feel comfortable sharing your struggles, frustrations, and needs for overcoming barriers in your health journey. She helped me overcome digestion issues, brain fog, and chronic fatigue through small changes in my nutrition and lifestyle. I would recommend Jennifer for ANYONE seeking to improve their life through a holistic approach to health!


Jennifer has been a saving grace to me on my health journey! She makes everything so simple and takes the changes you need to implement slowly so that you have more of a chance of actually sticking with them and seeing results! She helped me identify my hang ups, where I was stuck in a rut and what was tripping me up from succeeding. Once we addressed those issues and came up with a plan, it was something that yes, challenges you, but is doable and I have seen results in all areas of my life and feel like I can live a life where I can manage my auto-immune issues and have more energy for my family and to do the things I love to do!


You Need

FINAL Questions? Check the FAQs!

When do we start?

When do we start?

You can start as soon as you enroll! It is an evergreen course with lifetime access. That means you can listen on the go, go as fast as you want (or as slow and steady as you need). 

Then, for 6 solid months, you’ll get live coaching as well. We’re heading on the field on May 7th at 8pm Central sharp! Clear those calendars and get ready to log in for the first live coaching call. 

But what if I miss the live calls? *gasp*

But what if I miss the live calls? *gasp*

No need to stress, we've got your back! Recordings will be available in case life throws curveballs or your wifi goes on strike during calls. You can rewatch anytime and catch up on key takeaways you don't want to miss!

What if I'm already taking hormone replacement therapy?


Fantastic question! I am absolutely NOT against hormone therapy when managed appropriately under the care of an experienced professional. Taking back control often includes replenishing declining hormones.

However, not all hormone therapy is created equal. There are real risks to improper applications, dosages, and forms that most doctors rarely touch with patients!

That's why this program can be hugely eye-opening, even for ladies who already utilize replacement therapy. I want to empower you to make fully informed decisions about YOUR best options and protocols based on a deeper understanding of what occurs in our bodies during this transition.

My goal is to educate and equip women to navigate midlife transitions confidently and avoid declining health. This includes providing clarity around various hormone therapy approaches so that together, we can determine the BEST solutions for your unique needs!

I'm not showing any signs or symptoms of menopause, so should I just wait until I get to that point?

I'm not showing any signs or symptoms of menopause, so should I just wait until I get to that point?

Your hormones are in a state of decline. Progesterone decreases 75% between the ages of 35-50 and estrogen decreases 35% between the ages of 35-50. But make no mistake, these two are power partners, if you have progesterone problems, then you have estrogen problems, and vice versa. If there is any time to be proactive, then this is it!! You can be in a state of hormonal decline and imbalance and not have any "obvious to you" symptoms. (Remember, there are up to 100 symptoms of menopause!)

I shouldn't have to go to all this trouble, I should just be able to rely on my doctor, right? 

I shouldn't have to go to all this trouble, I should just be able to rely on my doctor, right? 

You are right! It shouldn't be this difficult! Our doctors should be able to fully equip us and provide all our options, but sadly that is not the case. And keep in mind, our doctors don't even feel prepared to help us! In a survey published in a medical journal, only 7% of doctors interviewed felt prepared to guide their patients through the menopausal transition. It's imperative that you become your own best advocate!

I really need to lose weight, will this program address weight loss?  

I really need to lose weight, will this program address weight loss?  

Yes, this program will most certainly address weight loss! Most importantly, you will learn the secrets of weight loss and be equipped with the information of what is keeping you from losing weight! You will be able to identify the obstacles that have been standing in the way of you losing weight and keeping it off! It's all about getting to the root of the problem and helping your body work efficiently. And don't worry, no eat less, move more diet mentality here. We have all tried that! I'll spill all the secrets so you can move the weight loss needle.

Does this program include hormone testing or bloodwork? 

Does this program include hormone testing or bloodwork? 

Yes, it does with the All In package. This package includes comprehensive hormone testing with the DUTCH test, GI Map stool test, blood work, interpretation of results,, a personalized protocol, and 3 coaching sessions. If you are ready for that personalized approach and want to know exactly what is going on with your hormone situation, this is the package for you!

Does this program include coaching? 

Does this program include coaching? 

Yes! The beautiful part of this program is that it is a hybrid program providing a course with self-paced video lessons and a group coaching program. For our group coaching sessions, you will have two experts guiding you and answering your questions. We will also have special sessions with expert guests on hot topics! If you are looking for one-on-one coaching and customized help, check out the All In package that includes testing, interpretation and 3 coaching sessions with an option to add in more!

I'm just interested in hormone testing and not the course, can I just do the testing? 

I'm just interested in hormone testing and not the course, can I just do the testing? 

No, that option is not available. Having studied this extensively, I will tell you that I would be failing you if I just did some testing on you and gave you some quick advice. It is absolutely imperative that you are fully equipped, educated, and prepared. This is why I've included everything you need to know in The Hormone Huddle Course. 

Can I start with the course and group coaching and add in the testing, bloodwork, and coaching sessions later on?

Can I start with the course and group coaching and add in the testing, bloodwork, and coaching sessions later on?

Yes, you can! The reason I have it as two packages is so that you can start working on things immediately and then pay for testing when you are ready!

Is there a time limit on the course? 

Is there a time limit on the course? 

There is no time limit on the course itself! You get lifetime access to the course. You get access to the group coaching for 6 months. And there are options for continuing in the group coaching after 6 months.

What if I don’t have time for this?

What if I don’t have time for this?

Oh friend, I hear you! But the truth is, we all make time for what matters most, whether work, family, OR Netflix. So think of it this way....you just spent 10 hours last weekend watching Virgin River. Meanwhile these scary symptoms made it hard to focus at your big meeting. Prioritizing 2 hours a week for YOU could transform everything! I'll show you how to swap that screen time for self-care time so you show up better for others too. You with me??

Ready To Go From Feeling Defeated and Desperate to Capable and Confident?

enroll today!

Disclaimer: The Functional Health Coaching advice and techniques shared in this program are intended as supportive measures for optimized health and wellness. This isn't medical treatment and shouldn't replace guidance from your physician. While results from applying these strategies may vary from person to person, the information is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. In following any recommendations in the program, you understand and agree you are choosing to do so at your own risk under no obligation by Inspire Healthy Harmony.